In 1975, ten years before I (Manrico) met Liz, I did my first multi-day backpacking trip. That was a week-long trip on the West Coast Trail on the west coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. The trail, which is actually a combination of forest trail and shoreline route, was well known even at that time. It has become even more so in following years.
In 1975 I did the route with Bob and a couple of his friends. I enjoyed the route so much that I did it again in 1976, this time with Peter. In both years we met fellow travellers on the route and hiked sections with them. The photos below are taken from both trips.
First a Google Earth tour of our route which was the same both years except for one section.
Now the photos which are Kodachrome transparencies scanned in 2021. Unfortunately many of the transparencies have degraded with time even though they were stored properly.
If you expand the photo viewer to full page the “Adventures” menu will stop working. This is because of technical issues with the website software. Pick any other menu item and go to that web page. The “Adventures” menu will then work properly.